Canadian Financial & Retirement Planning Blogs




An IFA is a practice whereby you take out a premium life insurance policy that has a cash building component, such as an exempt whole or universal life insurance policy, and then directly use the policy as collateral to obtain a loan.

How the IFA works to help you get more tax deductions?


Most Canadians are confused about choosing life insurance that caters to their needs. You must be fed up with many advisors, agents, brokers pitching a rosy life insurance product.

6 Reasons Why Retirement Planning

Should Be Your Priority

Retirement management has several benefits that range from both personal and psychological

to financial. Here are several advantages and common reasons for effectively planning your

retirement. As popular saying

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”

Important financial decisions that

everyone should make

Some timely decisions that we make have a great impact on our life either immediately or for the years that are yet to come. Taking a right financial decision is the best example of making a timely decision.

How to prepare yourself to face life- threatening situations and make the right financial decisions?

Each one of us begins a new day praying to God for the future of our family and ourselves. We step out of our home for work or any reason without knowing what is going to happen. Many personal unexpected situations might affect your family at large.

Dear Future I am ready

What To Do Today That Your Future Self and Generations Will Thank You For!

August 30, 20234 min read

“As the Bible wisely states, "Where there is no Vision, the people perish." (PROVERBS 29:18).


Imagine a future where financial worries are a thing of the past. A future where you and your family enjoy Total Financial Freedom, unburdened by money concerns and free to spend quality time with your loved ones. Not only can you secure your own financial stability, but you can also pave the way for generations to come. This dream is attainable, and it begins by understanding the 3 Rules of Money, leveraging savings and good debt, and following the 6 Value Added Steps. Let's explore the outcomes of this transformative journey.

The Consequences of Not Taking Action today means :

1. Missed Compounding Opportunities:

Without understanding the 3 Universal Rules of Money, you may overlook the incredible potential of compounding wealth. The power of exponential growth goes untapped, leaving you and future generations vulnerable to financial uncertainties.

2. Struggle to Achieve Growth:

Failing to implement the 6 Value Added Steps could hinder the growth of your savings. This lack of action might result in a continuous struggle to see your investments flourish.

3. Accumulation of Unnecessary Debt:

Neglecting the importance of leveraging good debt may lead to the accumulation of needless financial burdens. Such debt could be passed down, adversely affecting the financial freedom and growth of your descendants.

4. Limited Opportunities and Experiences:

By not creating a self-funding wealth machine, you limit your ability to explore opportunities and passions. Financial constraints might prevent you from fully enjoying life's experiences and pursuing what truly matters.

5. Lack of Clarity on Financial Concepts:

 Without empowering your family with modern financial concepts, they could struggle to manage money effectively. This lack of financial wisdom may perpetuate financial challenges for generations.

Here are 5 Bliss of Taking a unconventional Path:

: why you should do something today!

We've been exposed to misleading advice and have stopped questioning conventional wisdom. But it's time to challenge the status quo and rethink our money management and retirement plans. Achieving Total Financial Freedom is possible for everyone, regardless of your current savings and income. By understanding the 3 Universal Laws of money, you gain clarity and control over your financial journey.

1. The Rule of Compounding:

Having a will and healthcare directive offers the gift of clarity. Your wishes are documented, ensuring your loved ones know exactly how you want your affairs to be handled. This knowledge brings peace of mind to both you and your family.

2. Taxation Insights:

With a will in place, you ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. You can provide for your family's future, safeguarding their financial security and preventing disputes over inheritance.

3. Growth Strategies

For parents, a will is a safeguard for your children's future. Designating guardians gives you peace of mind that your kids will be cared for by the people you trust, ensuring their emotional well-being.

Building Your Self-Funding Wealth Creation Machine:

1. Financial Security:

The foundation of financial security is laid by understanding the 3 Rules of Money. Your investments will provide steady income, not only for you but also for your children and grandchildren, offering a safety net during uncertain times.

2. Endless Wealth Growth:

By following the 6 Value Added Steps, you tap into the potential of compounding. This wealth growth extends beyond your lifetime, ensuring a legacy of prosperity for your descendants.

3. Freedom to Pursue Passions:

With a self-funding machine in place, you can explore your passions without financial constraints. This freedom extends to your family, enhancing their quality of life and enabling them to achieve their dreams.

4. Break the Cycle of Debt:

Utilizing your savings wisely and leveraging good debt empowers your family to make strategic investments. This empowers them to avoid unnecessary debt and manage their finances responsibly.

5. Empowerment Through Wisdom:

Creating a self-funding wealth machine requires clarity on modern financial concepts that are totally opposite form conventional wisdom. By passing on your knowledge, you empower your family to make informed financial decisions and secure their financial futures.

Legacy Image

Our Guiding Hand:

The path to financial security, freedom, and prosperity starts with understanding the 3 Rules of Money, implementing the 6 Value Added Steps, and leveraging good debt. Your choices today shape not only your own future but also the wellbeing of future generations. By taking action and creating a self-funding wealth machine, you're building a legacy that will be remembered and cherished by your family for years to come. Your future self and generations will undoubtedly thank you for the wise decisions you make today.

Ready to embark on this journey towards Total Financial Freedom? Learn more here

Retirement PlanningWealth CreationFinancial FreedomRules of moneyHow money worksfinancial securityHow to retirelegacy wealth creation
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Kanwaljit (Sunny) Kochar

Over 30 years of experience in various industries helping people grow with time. As a Personal Financial Coach, my self and my team work with Canadians to build their wealth 3X faster, so they can not only get out of debt, but also achieve total financial freedom, retire early (and wealthy,) and do so without strict budgeting, so they can still take vacations, treat their kids, and enjoy quality time together as a family. CEO & Founder of Team Hexavision

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An IFA is a practice whereby you take out a premium life insurance policy that has a cash building component, such as an exempt whole or universal life insurance policy, and then directly use the policy as collateral to obtain a loan. In this way, you gain the full benefit from the insurance policy, yet you are still able to use your money to build your business or to invest in other income-generating avenues.

How the IFA works to help you get more tax deductions?


Most Canadians are confused about choosing life insurance that caters to their needs. You must be fed up with many advisors, agents, brokers pitching a rosy life insurance product.

6 Reasons Why Retirement Planning Should Be Your Priority

Retirement management has several benefits that range from both personal and psychological to financial. Here are several advantages and common reasons for effectively planning your retirement. As popular saying

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”

Important financial decisions that

everyone should make

Some timely decisions that we make have a great impact on our life either immediately or for the years that are yet to come. Taking a right financial decision is the best example of making a timely decision.

How to prepare yourself to face life- threatening situations and make the right financial decisions?

Each one of us begins a new day praying to God for the future of our family and ourselves. We step out of our home for work or any reason without knowing what is going to happen. Many personal unexpected situations might affect your family at large.

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🟢 Monday to Saturday : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

🔴 Sunday : Closed

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Kanwaljit (Sunny) Kochar DBA Hexavision Enterprise is licensed to sell Segregated Funds investments, Life and A&S Insurance products in Ontario, Alberta, QC, NB, SK, NS and British Columbia. Not available in other provinces.

License #s: FSCO LIC#17161321 (ON), AIC LIC # M-3493167-1763384-2020 (AL), BC LIC#LIC-2020-0022136-R01 (BC). Insurance and segregated funds provided by Carte Risk Management Inc.

@ 2024 Hexavision Enterprise| Terms And Condition| Privacy Policy | Advisor Disclosure

© 2024 Hexavision Enterprise. All rights reserved

Our Service Area

Ontario | Quebec

Alberta | Nova Scotia

British Columbia | Saskatchewan

New Brunswick

Working Hours

🟢 Monday to Friday : 9:30 - 6:30 EST

🔴 Saturday and Sunday : Closed

Join Our Blogs/Newsletter

Kanwaljit (Sunny) Kochar DBA Hexavision Enterprise is licensed to sell Segregated Funds investments, Life and A&S Insurance products in Ontario, Alberta, QC, NB, SK, NS and British Columbia. Not available in other provinces. License #s: FSCO LIC#17161321 (ON), AIC LIC # M-3493167-1763384-2020 (AL), BC LIC#LIC-2020-0022136-R01 (BC), AMF LIC# 2023-CI-1016414(QC), LIC # 087345 (SK), FCSC LIC# 220039066 (NB) Insurance and segregated funds provided by Carte Risk Management Inc.

@ 2024 Hexavision Enterprise| Terms And Condition| Privacy Policy | Advisor Disclosure

© 2024 Hexavision Enterprise. All rights reserved