The 5 Steps Strategy My Clients Use To Build Total Financial Freedom, 3X faster  then traditional methods without Working Extra Hours.

Let’s Build Your Early And Wealthy Retirement Fast! 👀👀

In This Webinar, You Will Discover

  • The simple Rules of Money and Body of Knowledge to grow your wealth 3 faster and be financially free years early.

  • The secret of how to manage your current Tax bill and Mortgage bill to increase cash flow wich will set you free changing what you’re worth instantly and add millions to your wealth.

  • How to decumulate the money during the retirement  which ensure income for as long as you live without the risk of loosing  OAS and GIS clawbacks and

  • The real reason Why your current planning using the conventional wisdom may not be a good strategy for you... and how you can starting today  build financial freedom by following the proven framework  for a tax-advantaged income for a lifetime.

  • How my clients are building all weather portfolio for their savings which allow then to buy low and sell high no matter what happens in the stock market without the fear of changing economic situations.

  • How to build a legacy that the Govt can not lay their hands on to tax your hard earned money, the secret 3 laws of money that makes it happen practically overnight.


Kanwaljit (Sunny) Kochar

Kanwaljit (Sunny) Kochar is the founder & CEO of Hexavision Enterprise with over 30 years of heading solution driven businesses.He's helped 100s of client & coached many agents to leverage the exact premium solutions with total authenticity.

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🟢 Monday to Saturday : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

🔴 Sunday : Closed

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Ontario | Quebec

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Kanwaljit (Sunny) Kochar DBA Hexavision Enterprise is licensed to sell Segregated Funds investments, Life and A&S Insurance products in Ontario, Alberta, QC, NB, SK, NS and British Columbia. Not available in other provinces.

License #s: FSCO LIC#17161321 (ON), AIC LIC # M-3493167-1763384-2020 (AL), BC LIC#LIC-2020-0022136-R01 (BC). Insurance and segregated funds provided by Carte Risk Management Inc.

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