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Guardianship of Assets: Safeguarding financial vitality for Canadians

October 14, 20248 min read

Guardianship of Assets: The 3rd Step in the Hexavisionary Framework


Achieving Total Financial Freedom — in other words the outcome of having a tax-efficient, lifetime passive income from accumulated assets and investments without worrying about where will the money come from — is the outcome that only 9% of Canadians achieve according to the Author David M VOth best selling book:

10 Secrets Revenue Canada Doesn't Want You To Know.

The real reason why 91% of Canadians fail to achieve desired financial security and time freedom outcome is not because they did not have the money at retirement, but the accumulated assets and money did not last till or during the retirement as the money disappeared due to unforeseen life events, unfavourable and sudden change in economic situations and the uncovered risks.

Cover Page of Book: The 10 Secrets the revenue Canada don't want you to know

The battle tested Hexavision Framework to Achieve Total Financial Freedom mentoring program, we emphasize that wealth-building and financial independence go hand in hand with protecting the assets that generate that wealth. The third step in the Hexavisionary Framework is Guardianship of Assets, which involves safeguarding your assets and securing a stable financial future.

To truly achieve and maintain time and money freedom, which is my promise to help you achieve, we must ensure that the results lasts as long as we live and beyond. It's about protecting and preserving what you’ve worked so hard to create.

Why Protection is Essential for Financial Freedom

Your ability to generate tax efficient passive income from the accumulate wealth is the golden egg, but your assets are the goose. You do not want the goose to disappear that lays the golden egg.

To maintain a steady stream of financial stability and growth, you must ensure that the goose remains protected. This metaphor captures the essence of Guardianship of Assets—a vital strategy for maintaining and securing wealth. Financial Freedom comes from the continuous and uninterrupted compounding of the investable assets and savings. The protection of the principal amount invested and safety of the growth that is being generated needs protection.

Without robust protections, everything you’ve built can be at risk from unexpected life events, market fluctuations, or legal threats. Effective protection strategies ensure that your wealth doesn’t just support your financial independence today but continues to serve your family and legacy for generations to come.

Gold Egg Image

Protecting Your Assets in Phases

As we journey through life, our financial protection needs evolve in significant ways, reflecting the changing responsibilities and goals we face at each stage.

Life Stages Image

Understanding these shifts is essential for ensuring long-term financial security. The need to protect assets looks very different in our younger years compared to retirement and old age, which is why a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. Instead, a tailored strategy—aligned with each phase of life—is crucial.

Accumulation Phase: Early years

In the early years, often during the prime of our careers, our main focus is on accumulating savings and building wealth. At this stage, the most critical protection we need is for our ability to earn an income.

Our income supports our immediate family, including spouses and children, and funds important financial goals, from paying down debts to saving for the future. During this period, we are typically shouldering significant financial responsibilities such as a mortgage, car loans, and possibly education loans. This makes income protection vital because any interruption, due to illness, injury, or unexpected life events, could jeopardize not only the family’s current lifestyle but also the long-term financial goals we’re working so hard to achieve.

Thus, protecting our income through life insurance, disability coverage, and critical illness protection becomes essential. Without these safety nets, a sudden inability to work could derail both short-term security and long-term aspirations.

image of young family in a bubble protection

Accumulation Phase: Midlife

As we age and progress into midlife and pre-retirement years, our financial circumstances change. We’ve accumulated savings and investments, and our children are growing up and becoming financially independent.

While the pressure to protect our income decreases, the focus shifts to safeguarding the wealth we’ve built. With retirement on the horizon, it's no longer just about earning and accumulating—it’s about preserving and strategically growing our assets to ensure that they can sustain us throughout retirement.

This includes planning for unexpected market changes, inflation and taxes, which can erode the value of our savings if not properly managed. At this stage, protecting retirement assets through smart investment strategies, tax-efficient withdrawals, and estate planning becomes critical to ensure the assets last and provide a comfortable lifestyle.

That is why we have developed four Bucket saving and investment system, each for achieving different goals and the outcome essential to truly achieving Total Financial Freedom. Irrespective of the amount of money we have for savings and investments, every canadian need and deserve the outcome that the rich and wealthy few are able to get.

To achieve enduring success we need the following outcome from our money, each outcome is associated with a bucket and money is allocated for the purpose and we are able to assigned each dollar to work in your favour. The asset allocations are as follow:-

  1. Massive Growth Bucket

  2. Safety Bucket

  3. Opportunity / Emergency Bucket

  4. Longevity / Wealth Creation Bucket

    To understand the all weather portfolio and four bucket system of investment, please read the knowledge base article on Step-5 Wealth Creation Framework .

Wealth v/s responsibility chart x curve

Decumulation Phase: During Early Retirement

As you transition to retirement or financial independence, your assets become the main source of income. At this stage, it’s essential to protect the wealth you’ve accumulated and focus on estate planning to ensure that your assets can be passed onto future generations.

This phase is about ensuring that you not only enjoy your financial freedom but also leave a legacy for your loved ones. The 4th Bucket of our framework takes care of all the decumulation stages of life.

In the early retirement stage, we are active and healthy. During this stage of life, we want to fulfill the dreams and desires that we have. Some like to travel, some like to social work, some like to pursue their hobby, and many like myself wants to give away their years of knowledge and wisdom for the benefit of the society.

No matter what is your desire, it require freedom of time and freedom of money to achieve it. If we are worried about where the money will come from to pay the next month bills at this stage, we will be the best dressed greeter at the Walmart. There is no harm being a best dressed greeter at Walmart, as long as we are not doing it for the need of money to pay the bills.

Decumulation Phase: During Old age

In old age, financial security takes on a new urgency. As the saying goes, “You can be young without money, but you cannot be old without it.” This is the most critical phase, as we depend entirely on the wealth and assets we’ve accumulated to sustain us through the remaining years of our lives.

During this time, we face the reality of longevity risk—the risk of outliving our money. Without proper planning, a long lifespan could result in financial hardship if our assets aren’t managed properly to last.

Health care costs may rise, and inflation could eat into retirement savings, making careful budgeting, expense management, and investment decisions even more crucial.

Estate planning also takes center stage here, as we aim to ensure that what’s left of our wealth is passed on to the next generation as we intended. Ensuring that there’s enough financial resources to last, even if we live to 103, requires comprehensive planning that considers both income needs and asset protection.

Image of money growth in gold age


The Hexavisionary Framework, which in other words - Retirement Project Planning and Management System (RPPMS) is built to address these evolving needs. We understand that financial protection strategies must adapt as life progresses, and our approach provides strategic planning for every stage. That is why we protect today keeping the future in mind, whether it's protecting income during the accumulation phase, ensuring financial security in retirement, or managing longevity risk in old age, our strategies are designed to safeguard your wealth and future-proof your financial freedom. With the right protections in place, you can confidently navigate life’s stages, knowing that you’re prepared not only to maintain your financial security during challenging times but also to prosper—no matter what life brings.

Recap of Total financial freedom system image

Quick recap of your Total Financial Freedom Journey:

  1. Keep More of What You Earn

  2. Pay Only The Right Amount of Tax

  3. Multiply Your Wealth With Uninterrupting Compounding

  4. Never Lose Your Principal Invested

  5. Work with a Mentor who has your best interest at heart

If you have any questions that need to be answered regarding your unique situation you can consult with us at no cost to you. Click here to book a 30 minute video meeting.

Here are a few options for your next step:

- Explore more content on financial independence by checking out our timeless financial wisdom knowledge base Here or Blog Posts Here

- If you are ready to change the financial outcome and learn more about what we discussed here than Sign up for our upcoming webinar on retirement planning and financial freedom by following this link below and choose which master class is most suitable for your current situation. Every single person we have mentored started by attending our master class.

Explore Our Masterclasses to Secure Your financial future and Build Inter-Generational Wealth.

The future is yours to shape. Start today with Hexavision—because your financial freedom isn’t just a possibility, it's a plan.

We are here to help you achieve the following

- Financial freedom strategies for Canadians

- Provide a no cost personalised Roadmap to financial independence

- Holistic financial planning for Canadian Executives and Professionals

- Building generational wealth for financially secure future

- Passive income strategies for professionals and Business Owners

- Tax and Wealth conservation for executives

- Mentorship to help you Achieve early retirement in Canada

Request a consultation to receive personalized advice from one of our experienced licensed financial Professional here.

Online Meeting with Sunny Kochar - 30 Minutes Video Call.

I am a passionate financial expert and the creator of the Total Financial Freedom Mentorship Program for Canadians. 
With over 30 years of experience in various business & industries, I have helped people grow and succeed over time.

As a Personal Financial Coach specializing in retirement planning and management for Canadians, I and my team work with executives and entrepreneurs to help them build their wealth 3 times faster. 
Our goal is to help them not only get out of bad debt but also achieve total financial freedom, retire early and wealthy, all without strict budgeting. This allows them to still enjoy vacations, treat their kids, and spend quality time together as a family.

I am also the CEO & Founder of Team Hexavision.

Kanwaljit (Sunny) Kochar

I am a passionate financial expert and the creator of the Total Financial Freedom Mentorship Program for Canadians. With over 30 years of experience in various business & industries, I have helped people grow and succeed over time. As a Personal Financial Coach specializing in retirement planning and management for Canadians, I and my team work with executives and entrepreneurs to help them build their wealth 3 times faster. Our goal is to help them not only get out of bad debt but also achieve total financial freedom, retire early and wealthy, all without strict budgeting. This allows them to still enjoy vacations, treat their kids, and spend quality time together as a family. I am also the CEO & Founder of Team Hexavision.

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